296 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. I.
Lands that lye near the Line, these Arrears the Sheriffs are
to endeavour to obtain & obliged to account for only when
they can receive them, but they are to be accountable for all
Rents that shall become due on such Lands from this time.
I have frequently writ to Mr Edwd Tilghman insisting on his
immediate Completion & Perfection of the Rent Roll & Debt
Books that it is his Business to adjust, & he has as often
assured me that he was busily employed in doing so, Could
Colo Lloyd have gotten all the old Rental Books & Papers out
of his hands soon after my Arrival or before now, I would have
readily agreed to his Dismissal for not perfecting the Books
before, tho he attributes it all to his Predecessor in the Office ;
however I desired Coll Lloyd to refuse the payment of his
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Sallary till he had done what was required of him, & if Coll
Lloyd approves thereof I will superceed him as soon as
he comes to Annapolis, by which time I hope to receive your
Answer & Instructions to my Letter on Mr Plater's Decease,
which will remove the Difficulty I shall otherwise lye under
about the Disposal of the Naval Office of Potuxent, in case Mr
Darnal be to keep the Rent Roll, which indeed I think is the
best Office for him & will give the Assembly less Cause or
Opportunity than any other Office to remonstrate about the
Religion & Education of his Family. I do not beleive & never
heard that any secret Profitts accrued to the Rent Roll Keepers,
the Sallaries paid them are as you see them charged in
the Agents annual Accounts.
The Treasurers Offices are worth some years near £200 &
other years not £ 30 each, their Profitts arising from a Com-
mission of five p Ct on all Money pd them by the Naval
Officers, when many Negroe Ships arrived these Offices were
valuable but at present they are inconsiderable. Coll Lloyd
is Treasurer for the Eastern & Colo Hammond for the Western
Shore. Be pleased to think & assure his Ldp that I shall con-
tinue to take every proper Step to prevent the Pensilvanians
Incroachments on his Ldp's Province till the Determination in
his Ldp's favour which I hope soon to hear of shall bring about
a final Settlement of the Divisional Lines & all Disputes.
My Commission to Colo Plater to Act as your Deputy was dated
the 14th of March so that to that Day Mr lennings is account-
able to you. I am obliged to His Ldp for leaving it to me to
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appoint either of the Gentn I before recommended (except Mr
Dulany) to be of His Ldp's Council, & as His Ldp seems
desirous that Members of the Lower House should have the
Preference as often as possible I recommend Coll Robert
lenkins Henry for His Ldp's Approbation, tho I must confess
that I should have been glad Mr Dulany had not been thought
improper to succeed to a Seat at that Board.