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Cumberland every Day & frequently in greater Numbers than
the Garrison consists of As I presume 'twill not be long
before these People will pay a Visit to your Borders, I take
this Opportunity of intimating what I think might be expected,
an &c
[Sharpe to Sr Charles Hardy Governor of New York.]
Octr 11th 1755—
I have received the favr of Yr Letf of the 5th of Septr
acquainting me wth yr safe Arrival in yr Govt upon wch I heartily
congratulate you & wish you much ease & Satisfaction in yr
Administration. As I am persuaded that a friendly Corres-
pondence between the Govrs of the several British Colonies on
the Continent is in the present State of Affairs exceedingly
Expedient & cannot fail of conducing to the general Benefit
of the whole you will please to be assured that the Declara-
tion you make on that head is very acceptable & that I shall
take the greatest pleasure in convincing you that my Dis-
position with regard to this Subject is exactly conformable to
your own I am much obliged to you for the Regard you
express for myself & hope you will think that nothing can
afford me greater Satisfaction than to have Opportunities of
shewing with how great Regard & Esteem I am