At a Meeting of his Excellency and Council
at Saint Marys the 22d day of November 1671
His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr
Captain General and chief Governor of Maryland
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor
the honble William Calvert
Edward Fitzherbert
Upon the Petition of Elias Nuthall formerly presented to his
Excellency one of the Sons of Iohn Nuthall late of St Marys
County Gent deceased for that whereas the said Iohn Nuthalls
Estate was Ordered upon the division thereof that if another
Child of the said Iohn Nuthalls shall appear the said Child
should have a part or portion of the said Estate equal to what
the rest of the said Iohn Nuthalls Children had and the said
Elias remaining a Servant in Virginia at this time the said Elias
Craved that his said Childs part might be allotted him and that
his freedom might be purchased out of it
It is by the Board Ordered that Mr John and James Nuthall
and Thomas Sprigg Gent who married the daughter of the
said John Nuthal deceased appear before his Excellency and
Council at the City of St Marys the sixth day of december next
and bring with them such Papers and Accounts as they have
belonging to the estate of the said Iohn Nuthall deceased that