mannor respectively is to be reserved for his Lordships demesne
and the rest to be disposed of as his Lordship or his Son and
heir Charles Calvert Esqr shall from time to time appoint
7 Item that he take Care that he do not survey or cause to
be surveyed to or for any Person or Persons whatsoever any
Lands of in or belonging to his Ldps Manor of West St Marys
nor of any other Manors or Lands set out for his Lordships
Use within the said Province without especial Warrant from
his Lordship or his Son and Heir Charles Calvert Esqr and
their Hands and Seals at Arms respectively
8. Item that he take Care that he do not Survey or Cause
to be Surveyed for any Person or Persons any Mannors or
Lands formerly granted by his Lordship to any Person or
Persons and which is or shall from time become afterwards
escheated again or forfeited to his Lordship by any ways or
means whatsoever unless his Lordship by especial warrant
under his hand and seal at Arms Give Order for the Granting
of such Respective Mannors or Lands to such Person or Per-
sons for whom he the said Surveyor shall Survey the same
Given under his Lordships hand and Lesser Seal at Arms the
first day of August in the fortieth Year of his Lordships
Dominion over Maryland in the year of our Lord God 1671
C: Baltimore
Underneath a Commission granted unto William Stevens
and Iames Weedon of Somerset County Gent for proving
Rights bearing date the 23d day of December 1670 & Recorded
folio 35 was thus written