Maryland sst
At a Council held at the City of St Marys
the 19th day of September 1670
Philip Calvert Esqr
William Calvert Esqr Deputy Lieutenants
Baker Brooke Esqr
Was taken into Consideration the publick Levy and upon
Consideration had of the several Lists returned by the Respec-
tive Sheriffs it was doubted a true List of the Tytheables were
not returned in regard that in the same Counties the number
of Titheables were decreased since the last year although the
was notoriously known that great numbers of Servants were
last year sold in those same Counties and likewise for that in
other Counties the number of the Tythables is returnd to be
the very same as the last year
Wherefore Ordered that the several and respective Consta-
bles in the several and Respective hundreds within this Prov-
ince do make their several and respective Returns of the
Tythables in their hundreds by them last taken as they were
by them taken to their respective County Courts at the next
County Court after publication of this Order in the several