our said Province and to use and exercise the Office of a
Publick Notary within our said Province and dominions as fully
and as Absolutely to all Intents and Purposes as any publick
Notary may or can lawfully use and exercise the Office of
Publick Notary in the place or places where he is Constituted
publick Notary Giving and by these presents Granting And
we do hereby for us our heirs and Assigns Give and Grant
unto the said William Talbot all and singular reasonable fees
duties profits and perquisits usually belonging or appertaining
to the Office of Publick Notary to have hold Receive and take
the same unto the said William Talbot together with the said
Office of Publick Notary during our pleasure Given under
our hand and seal at Arms this seventh day of August in
thirty ninth Year of our Dominion over our said Province
Annoq Dom 1670/
On the back side of the Pattent above written were these
Words endorsed vizt
7th of November 1670
Memorandum this day at a Court held at Mattapany in
the presence of Charles Calvert Governor of Maryland Philip
Calvert Chancellor, William Calvert & Baker Brooke Privy
Councillors William Talbot was Sworn Secretary Iudge of
Probate of Wills and publick Notary of the Province of Mary-
land and one of his Lordships Privy Council