[Petition of Pascatoways.]
Iuly 20th 1670/
Came Monatquund Speaker of Piscattoway Unnacawsey
Mappassanough Councillors of Piscattoway to Philip Calvert
and William Calvert Esqre deputy Lieutenants of this Province
of Maryland
And said they came to revive the League between the said
Pascattoway Indians and the English and first in the name of
the Boys, next in the name of the elder Persons that they
might eat drink Sleep and play in quiet, the women, in
like manner, desire the peace, acknowledging the Lord
Proprietary for their Lord and Protector, next the old men
desire it that they may sleep by their wives quietly and take
their Tobacco: that they had not long presented any thing
and that now they came to keep in memory the peace that
now they are reduced to a small Number and therefore they
Liber A. M.