proceeded against according to the utmost rigour of the Law.
Furthermore the Justices and Comrs of the severall Countyes
of this Province are hereby strictly required that they be not
wanting in sending for weights and Scales as by the said Act
they are required under pain of being proceeded against ac-
cording to the utmost rigour of the Law and incurring his Lo
high displeasure and the severall and respective Sheriffs of this
Province are hereby required to make publick Proclamation
hereof in the most publick places of their Countyes Given
at St Maryes aforesaid under the Great Seal of this Province
the 21th day of September in the XIIth year of the Dominion
of the Rt Honble Charles &c Ann: Dom: 1687.
Henry Darnall Keeper.
Att a Councill held at the Citty of Se Maryes the 22th day of
f Coll. Vincent Lowe
Coll. Henry Darnall
The Honble Coll. Wm Digges Majr Nicho Sewall
LMr Clement Hill.