556 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Stevens and Interpreters are to goe over with them, order is
taken for their Transportation and accomodation in the Voyage
over the Bay.
Will. Stevens
Wm Coulborne
Francis Jenckins
Att a Councill held at the City of St Maryes Septr 14th 1687.
Coll: Vincent Lowe
Coll: Henry Darnall
The honble Coll. Wm Digges
Coll. Wm Stevens
Majr Nicho Sewall
Mr Clement Hill
James Cullen appted
Clk Asst Councill.
At the humble request of James Heath Clk
of the Councill, he being indisposed and un-
capable to officiate himself James Cullen was appointed Clk
Assistant to the Councill.
Nanticoke Indians
The Nanticoke Indians vizt Ohopperoon alias
Opeter, Hamatoh, Warr Capt: Ashinnak, Wat-
tenan Great men, according to their promise made to Coll:
Stevens came and presented themselves before the Board in
friendly manner, Christopher Nutter Interpreter was ordered
to acquaint them that the great men of this Government tooke
well their comeing over in such good manner, and that they
were ready and willing to doe them any good offices and re-
dress any greivances they had to offer, Opeter made return of
very good expressions towards the English, and prayed that
they might have pattent for their land, alleadging the English
take it up from them and give them noe Coates for it, sayes
alsoe that 4 Beaver hath been taken from them by some
English, and humbly prayed a free trade with the English, to
all which they were told they might expect an answere to-
p. 111 morrow, the said Indians likewise seemed satisfied to the re-
newment of the Peace made with their old Empr, and were for
the present dismissed.
Att a Councill held at the City of St Maryes Septr 15 th 1687.
Present as yesterday.
Consid: ab. Tryall
Long Tom the Indian
for ravishing a
It was taken into consideration in what
Imanner the Indian called Long Tom should
be tryed being now a Prisoner for ravishing
an English woman And it was the opinion
of this Board that he should be tryed by the statute law.