Liber B.
P. R. O.
sent down to St Maryes but positively demanded to have them
delivered to themselves, Coll. Coursey was not capable of give-
ing them any satisfactory answere insomuch thl wee are cer-
tainly informed they have sent 50. Indians to Baltemore County
and there is reason to suspect for noe good intent and that
every where of late they have appeared very insolent how this
murther was comitted wee are not as yet particularly informed,
but true enough it is that an Indian was killed by some Eng-
lish. It soe happens that the Secretaryes are in Virginia and
noe other of the Deputyes here at present to give such orders
as might be thought necessary herein. Wee think the exigence
of the Case requires some speedy course to be taken Wee
therefore have sent to the chief Officers of Baltemore, Caecill,
Kent, Talbot & Dorchester Countyes a precept of the same
nature of what is inclosed to your self for the purpose therein
mentioned Wee farther think necessary that some fitt person
forthwith goe to the Empr to know what tis he desires to be
satisfied in and what he demands and when that is known to
desire him to expect an answere from the Government which he
shall speedily have as soon as they are acquainted with his
Greivance and Wee cannot think any person soe capable to
serve his Lordsp herein as your self to whose prudent manage-