Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 547
Whereas Major Edward Inglish by order of this Board dated
26th May 1686. was impowered to procure provisions for his
Lordsps souldiers at Christina Fort in Caecill County the said
Inglish is alsoe hereby authorized and impowered to press or
cause to be pressed the Provisions in the said Order men-
tioned if other wayes he cannot procure the same and in all
other things the said order of the 26th of May is to be pursued
this being only an addition to the same
Signed p order
Jam Heath Cl. Consil:
Att a Councill held at St Johns the 22d day of July 1687.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Coll: Henry Darnall
The Honble Coll. Wm Digges
Majr Nicho Sewall
Rumour about
Nanticoke Indians
riseing considered.
Then was taken into consideration the
rumour lately spread concerning the riseing
of the Nanticoke Indians and was read Majr
Sayer and Coll. Courseyes Letters touching the same the
which are as foll, vizt
June 23o 1687
May it please your Honr
Majr Sayer
Letter about
Nanticoke Ind:
I received this day a Letter from Coll: Henry
Coursey a copy of which I have sent inclosed
your Honr will by itt find there is something
that he highly resents but what that is I protest I know not, if
he should know that I sent down a copy it would make him
shie in communicating his thoughts to me, therefore if your
Honr thinks fitt I would not lett him know itt, It's I know none
of my province to advise I hope your Honrs will pardon me for
saying it were very requisite to write to him about this acci-
dent impbwering him to comand me or any other to assist him
in the management of this affair he being the fittest man to be
imployed in any negotiation with the Indians being known to
the Cheif of all their nations the Rogues are very saucy and if
not checked in a short time will grow insolent, which makes
everybody willing to goe if they should comitt any thing that
would occasion a warr your Honrs orders for a generall muster
and for a review of the Armes and Ammunition scattered
about in every County would be highly necessary I am sure we
are ill provided at present either for offence or defence I beg
p. 101