526 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
returned to their Honrs And the said Coll: Stevens to make
choice of Christopher Mutter or John Cobbington to be his
Interpreter in this matter.
Att a Councill held at the City of St Maryes the 19th day of Nov:
An: 1686.
Coll. Vincent Lowe
Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll. William Burgee.
Mr Clement Hill
Provll Court ordr
to be adjourned.
In consideration that the Assembly being
just ended and the Country will not be able to
p. 77
come from all parts of the Province by the time of the Provin-
ciall Court Ordered that the said Court be adjourned to the
last Tuesday in February next and that Writts issue out of the
Secretaryes office for that purpose.
Eodem die
The honble
Coll: Vincent Lowe
Coll. Henry Darnall
Coll. William Burges
Mr Clement Hill
Coll. Edward Pye.
Neh: Blakiston
sworn King's Collector.
Mr Nehemiah Blakiston being admitted
produced to this Board his Commission
from the Commissioners of his Majestie's Customes beareing
date the 26th of September 1685. thereby impowering him to
be Clerk of his Majestie's Customes in the Rivers of Wicoco-
mico and Potomok to the which he made oath that since the
said Como hath come to his hands he hath to the best of his
skill well and truely executed the same and likewise that for
the future he will to the best of his knowledge well and truely
execute the said Comiso according to the true intent and
meaning thereof
Geo: Layfield sworn
King's Comptr and
Sur: Genll
And likewise came Mr George Layfield
and produced his Commission for Comp-
troller and Surveyor of all the dutyes, rates
and Impositions ariseing and growing due to his Majestie in
this Province under the hands and seal of the Commissioners
of his Majestie's Customes bearing date the 19th day of March
1684/5 to the which he made oath in like manner with Blakiston