524 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Patrick Mein Esq: Surveyor Generall of his Majesties Customes
within this Province and other his Majties Collonyes and Planta-
tions in America and to whomsoever he shall appoint and
make use of in the discovering and making seizure of any
Shipps, Sloop, Boat or other Vessell whatsoever which shall by
him be suspected to have transgressed the Lawes of Trade
and Navigation And in the detecting and seizing of any pro-
hibitted and uncustomed goods As likewise to be ayding
and assisting to him the said Patrick Mein in the pressing of
Horse and Man Boat arid Hands from time to time according
as his occasions shall require for the purpose aforesaid and
here of you are not to fail as you will answere the contrary
at your Perill.
Given under our hands this ninth day of November
in the eleventh year of the Dominion of the Rt Honble
Charles &c. An: Dom: 1686.
Vincent Lowe William Burges
Henry Darnall Nicholas Sewall
Will: Stevens Clement Hill.
p. 75
Coll: George Wells of Baltemore County being admitted
presented to their Honrs the following petition viz:
To the honble Deputy Lieuts and Councill
George Wells
in behalf
of Balt: Co:
The humble petition of George Wells in behalf
of himself and County humbly sheweth to your
That whereas himself with Mai: Thomas Long,
Capt: Henry Johnson, Mr Edward Bedle, Mr John Boring, Mr
Mark Richardson, Mr Francis Watkins, Mr Benjamin Gundry
and Mr Richard Guin were commissioned to serve his Lord-
ship the Rt Honble the Lord Propry in the office of Justices of
the Peace in the said County and to that end all sworn except
the said Guin who for scandelous and infamous liveing was
not but since the said Gundry is dead and Maj: Long with Mr
Boring and Mr Watkins delayes comeing to serve his Ldp and
County whereby there has been noe Court in the said County
since June last to the great grievance and loss to the poor In-
habitants cheifly occasioned by the turbulent spiritt of the said
Long for the prevention of which may itt please your Honrs to
commission the persons hereafter mentioned and omitt either
him or me for itt's the desire of your Honrs petr to be obleiged
to nothing but what he may be able to perform and he as in
duty bound shall ever pray.
And if it please your Honrs the Dec: to be directed to Mr
Miles Gibson and Mr Edward Bedle.