Lieuts together with the advice and consent of his Ldps Councill
have thought fitt and doe hereby ordain that the said Generall
Assembly be prorogued untill the 27th day of this Instant
October Hereby willing and requiring the Sheriff of St Maryes
County forthwith to make publick Proclamation hereof in the
most publick and convenient Places in the City of St Maryes
that thereby the severall Deputyes & Delegates of the respec-
tive Countyes (now supposed to be within the said City) may
have notice thereof and that they and every of them all excuses
sett apart come and personally appear att the said City
upon the said 27th day of this Instant October to doe and
consent to those things which shall then and there by the
favour of God happen to be ordained by and with the advice
and consent of the Great Councill of this Province concerning
the state and welfare thereof as alsoe to give notice to such of
his Ldp's Councill, as shall now be found in the said City that
all excuses sett apart they alsoe be and appear att the day and
place aforesaid to the end and purpose aforesaid.
Given att the City of St Maryes under the Great Seal
of this Province of Maryland the 26th day of October in
the XIth year of the Dom: of the Rt honble Charles, &c.
An: Dom: 1686
Henry Darnall Keeper.
Att a Councill held att the City of St Maryes the 27th day of
October Anno 1686
Coll. Henry Darnall Maj: Nicho Sewall
The honble Coll. William Digges the honble Coll. Edward Pye.
(Coll. Willm Burges
The honble Majr Sewall produced a Letter to the Board from
his Lordship the Postscript whereof relating to the Assemblyes
meeting is as followeth.