suffer the same to be used Contrary to my duty and trusts
reposed in me by Charles Calvert Esqr his Lordships Lieu-
tenant and chief Governor for the time being I will keep
a true & fair Record of all such things as I shall be required
to enter in the Secretaries Office Provincial Court Businesses
or Council I will in all things & upon all Occasions do Right
to all manner of People both rich and Poor without favour or
Affection hatred or Malice to any Person or Persons whatso-
So help me God and by the Contents
of this Book
Memd that the Eighth day of May Anno 1699 the within
mentioned Iohn Blomfield took the within Specified Oath
before me
Charles Calvert
Instructions and Powers for Iohn Blomfield
Imprimis You are required after my departure to remove
all the Business to the Office at Saint Marys by virtue of that
Commission granted you you are to intend & dispatch all
Business that shall belong to you
Secondly Item you are impowered to enter all Ships and
Vessels that shall arrive in Saint Marys Port and to keep a
Book of Entry of all such Ships and Vessels that shall ride