The Governor and Council of Virginia,
their complaint against Lord Baltemore.
(June 1667.)
To the Kings most sacred Matie
And the Lords of his Maties most
Honble Privy Councell.
The Governor and Councell of the Collony
of Virga on behalf of themselves and the
said Colony doe in all
Humility prsent
That in November in the fourteenth yeare of yor Maties
Reigne wee received yor Maties Royall instrucons fully and in
every part of them expressing your Pious and Princely care
both for our protection and advancemt—to wch wee doe and
ever shall yeild our most humble and ready obedience and for
wch wee shall for ever pay our most humble thanks to your
Matie and our most earnest prayers to God for his blessings
upon yor Royall person and the continuance of yor Princely
favours to us. And because amongst many others of the said
Royall Comands & instruccons, one was that Comrs should be
appointed to meete and treat with other Comrs for the Province
of Maryland of the best and most effectuall meanes of lessning
those vast quantities of Tobacco made in theise partes to the
intent that from that Treaty such good rules might be established
as might advance the price of that commodity, to the encourage-
ment both of the Planter and Merchant, Wee have thought it
our duty humbly to declare unto your Majesty and the Lords of
your most honble Privy Councell that in obedience to the sd
Royall comand & allso to an Ordr of the 29th of June 1662 wee
did on the 12th of May in the 15th yeare of yor Maties Reigne
meete & treat with certaine Commissors appointed and impow-
ered from Maryland the result of wch Treaty was, that the best
way of preserving Tobacco (our only comodity) in price &
reputacon was to lessen the quantity wch was by the increase of
the numbers of Planters and their unlimited planting growne so
great as to clogg all Marketts to the apparent impoverishing
of these Colonies & the discouragement of the Merchants & thl
the best & most practicall meanes of lessening it as aforesaid
would be by a strict prohibiting all or any to plant after the 20th
of Iune as by the Articles of the said Treaty more fully may
appeare. But those Articles being by the said Comissrs sub-
mitted to the consideracon and approbation of the succeeding
Assemblies of Virga and Maryland they mett with a speedy &
ready confirmacon in tht of Virga but had the misfortune not to
finde the same recepcon in Maryland, (but were upon very unjust
& untrue suppositions of our advantage in clime & seasons of
P. R. O.
Colonial Pa-
pers, Vol. 21,
No. 65.