490 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Poynt Comfort Virginia 7th Decr 1685.
John Loder's Cert: to
Capt. Croft exacted
from him.
These are to certihe that John Loder and
Samuell Woodward has been examined and
nothing found nor any concern has been
rendred to the Capt: for any discharge butt by his judgenV I
was cleared dated as above
Test: John Loder.
The said Loder sweares that notwithstanding he was com-
pelled by the said Croft to give the above Cert: or receipt yett
he had then taken from him by the said Croft the following
goods in an acct delivered by the said Loder under his hand
in these words (viz)
Loder's account of
particulars taken
from him by Croft.
The particulars that the said Capt: Crofts
had from him John Loder for his release and
discharge were as foll: (viz:)
5 Bar: of English spiritts qtt each 30 Gal. p Bar: is
150 Gall: at 3. B. p Gall: the lowest rate 22
2 Bar: Jamaica Sugar qtt as is supposed between 6
and 7. hundred weight att 25 B. p cwt. 8
One piece of Flannel qtt as is supposed at least 30
yds. being fine shirting flannell att 2/s p yard 3
One Case of Excellent Strong waters vallued att 2
This is an exact acct of what was delivered to the —
Capt: of the Deptford Ketch Capt: John Croft Comr L36
according to my best computation as witness my hand.
John Loder
p. 37
Peter Dermott inf:
agt Giles Porter Phillip
Bergen, Francis Child
and Ralph Chiffem.
Peter Dermott of Caecill County comes
and in formes this Board that he had ac-
cused Giles Porter, Phillip Bergen, Ralph
Chiffem, and Francis Child to the Commrs
of the said County for that the said 4.persons being in com-
pany drinking together the said Giles Porter said he would
drink the Duke of Monmouth's health for York had been a
bloody Rogue and had poisoned his own Brother King Charles
and was the first Invention of burning the Citty of London and
that the said Cornm" had notwithstanding took bayle for the
appearance of the said 4 persons at the next County Court.
Order for Warrt
for Giles Porter
& Als.
Ordered that Warrant issue to the Sheriff of
Caecill County cofnanding him forthwith to
have before his Ldp's Councill the said Giles
Porter, Phillip Bergen, Ralph Chiffem and Francis Child and
that the said Sheriff demand of the Clerk of the County Court
of Caecill County the whole proceedings in the said Court lately
had against the said nersons uoon the information of Peter