by the English, and that some effectuall care may be taken with
the said two Bridges.
And whereas further complaint is brought from the King of
Assateague, that not onely severall English men doe incroach
upon him and are come and seated themselves even in the
Town where his Indians doe live, but that also in particular
one Edwd Hammond an Incroacher of that nature hath most
injuriously and feloniously stolen and taken away greate quan-
tityes of Roonoake and skinns from the tomb of some of their
former Kings, which (according to their custom) they use to
offer there (a crime very ill resented with them) and therefore
mooves redress to be made him, and that some more certain
provision for their future quiett liveing from the disturbance
and Incroachments of the English may be thought off: being
of them many Nations (vizt)
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Assateague, Transquakin, Choptico, Moteawaughkin, Que-
quaskequaskick, Hassawass, Wachetack, Maraughquaick and
It is therefore considered and hereby ordered and appointed
that Coll. William Stevens, Mr Francis Jenckins, Mr Thomas
Newbold, Capt. John Osbourne, Mr James Round and Mr John
Townesend or any three or more of them (whereof the said Coll.
William Stevens and Coll. William Colebourne to be one) be
and they are hereby authorised and empowered (at some cer-
tain time and place by the said Coll. Stevens to be appointed)
to meete, consult and enquire into the premisses and to allot
and ascertaine to the said Indians such a quantity or portion
of land in such place as to them shall seeme meete and conve-
nient, least injurious to the English, and most satisfactory to
the Indians, the said land soe to be ascertained, to be layd out
and marked and bounded where it shall be necessary. To the
end that as well the said Indians as also the English themselves
may know each others bounds, and not incroach upon, annoy, or
disturb one the other; and that at each end of both the aforesaid
Bridges be made and sett up a good substantiall and sufficient
swinging Gate that will shutt of itself, for the keepeing out of
horses, and Cattle and the security of their Corne Fields, and
other their labours.
Ordered also that more particularly and exactly they the
said Coll. Williams Stevens, Coll. William Colebourne, Mr
Francis Jenckins, Mr Thomas Newbold, Capt. John Osbourne,
Mr James Round and Mr John Townesend, or any three or more
of them as aforesaid, inquire into and diligently examine the
crime charged against Edward Hammond aforesaid, and cause to
be done therein, and in all other things hereby committed to them
as to right and Justice appertained, as may most conduce to
his Lordship's Honr, the good and wellfare of this Province,
p. 29