Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 481
Order cone: East:
shore Indians
Coll. Stevens &c.
to enquire thereinto
Taken into consideration the Indians ad-
dress yesterday & Ordered that the same be
jreferred to Coll. William Stevens, Coll. Wil-
liam Colebourne, Mr Thomas Newbold, Capt:
Liber B.
P. R. O.
John Osbourne, and Mr James Round or any two of them
(whereof the said Coll. Stevens and Coll. Colebourne to be one)
to doe and Act therein as to them shall seeme most meete, for
his Lops Honr, the satisfaction of the said Indians, and the peace
and welfare of the Province, and that the bridge at the head of
Pocomoke, and that at Nassawango or Askimenokonson
Creeke, dividing Askimenokonson Neck from Nasswatax be
better secured, by affixing at each end of both the said bridges
a good and sufficient swinging gate, and that they the said
Coll. Stevens &c. more particularly and diligently enquire into
the Offence of Edward Hammond, as also into all Incroach-
ments and other damages or grievances offered to the said
Indians, and make their Report to this board at at the time of the
next Provinciall Court for their further result.
The Indians called in, and first the board renews to them
their thanks for their present yesterday, and Testimony of
Friendship to his Lsp then communicate to them the foregoeing
Order passed in their behalfe, which they will take care to see
p. 27
Present to
the Indians.
duely executed, and further order Coll. Stevens to
present them with forty bottles of Rumm for which
they return thanks and are dismissed.
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the eleaventh day of
May Ann. Dom: 1686.
Coll. Vincent Lowe
Coll. Wm Stevens
The honble
Coll. Henry Darnall
The honble
Maj: Nicho Sewall
Coll.Wm Digges.
Mr Clemt Hill.
Ed: Furlong's Estate
to be delivered to John
Kirk the Admin:
At the motion of the honble Coll. William
Stevens, it was considered and ordered by
the board here, that the Estate of Edward
Furlong deceased formerly committed to the Sheriff of Som-
ersett County to be secured, be now delivered unto John Kirk
the legall Admin:
To the honble the Deputies Governours
The humble petition of Richard Royston.
In most humble manner
That your Petr being legally convicted before the
honble his Lsps. Justices of the Provinciall Court of
Forgery, with all humble contrition and hearty sorrow
for the same, and all other the miscarriages of his life past