chasers of the same for such good and Valuable Considera-
tions as aforesaid shall hold & enjoy the same without any
manner of eviction disturbance or molestation as Goods Com-
modities and merchandizes sold in overt markett and that the
property and properties of such Goods Commodities and Mer-
chandizes so to be sold as aforesaid shall by such publick sale
be Actually and Legally deemed adjudged and taken to be and
to be invested in the Buyers and purchasers of the same who
shall so publickly buy and purchase the same any thing to the
Contrary in any wise notwithstanding and the said Lord Pro-
prietary doth hereby further declare and Ordain that all and
every Offendor and Offendors against the true intent and
meaning of this present Ordinance shall suffer one whole years
Imprisonment and for ever after be incapable of Claiming any
new Grant or Grants of any Lands Tenements or heredita-
ments from his said Lordship or his heirs within the said Prov-
ince or any the Islands and places thereto Belonging by
Virtue of any Conditions of Plantation to the Contrary notwith-
standing Given under the Great Seal of the said Province of
Maryld the 20th day of April in the seven and thirtieth Year of
his Lordships Dominion over the said Province Annoq Domini
1669 Witness Charles Calvert Esqr his Lordships Lieutenant
General of the said Province of Maryland/
Charles Calvert
By Order from the Honourable Charles Calvert Esqr Lieu-
tent Governor of this Province of Maryland this within written
Ordinance was proclaimed at the City of Saint Marys before