474 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Liber B.
P. R. O.
p. 19
Referred till next
Councill day.
The consideration of the foregoeing letter
referred till the next Councill day, and ordered
that in the meane time Mr Miles Gibson Sheriff of the County
and other the Inhabitants thereof now present at St Maries, be
consulted touching the same.
John Baker's
Mr John Baker present high Sheriff of St Maries
County humbly mooves the board that (Mr Van-
sweeringen being nominated and appointed Sheriff of the said
County for the yeare ensueing) their Honrs would please to
continue him the said Baker in the said office, until such time
as he could make up and adjust his accts with the severall
people Inhabitants of the said County.
Continued Sheriff
till after June Court,
Ordered that the said Baker continue in
the office of Sheriff of St Maries County till
next June Court be over.
John Pollard dischd
Edwd Pindar appted
Sher: of Dor: County
It being alledged that Mr John.Pollard
yesterday appointed Sheriff of Dorchester
County, had formerly refused to serve in
that office and would in all probability now doe the same, it
was ordered that Edward Pindar succeed Sheriff of that County
for the yeare ensueing.
Coll. Lowe gives
The honble Coll. Henry Darnall gives the
board to understand that he had taken bond
of the honble Coll. Vincent Lowe for his due execution of the
office of Surveyor Generall according to forme.
hath his Com. deld him.
Ordered that his Commission be deliv-
ered him.
Came Robert Doyne gentl: high Sheriff of Charles County
and produced the following Deposition (viz:)
The Deposition of Robert Yates.
Robert Yates Depos:
Doyne & Lynes.
Robert Yates aged thirty yeares or there-
abouts this Deponent sayth, that goeing
down some time before the last Provinciall
Court to Wiccoomico Mills, he mett with Mr Henry Hardy, and
the said Henry Hardy told your Deponent that he was goeing
down to the said Mill to take Mr Philip Lynes by virtue of a
Deputation from Mr Robt: Doyne high Sheriff of the said
County, in execution of the suite of Thomas Clayton merchant
of Leverpoole for the summe of twelve thousand, seaven
hundred, eighty nine pounds of tobacco debt and five hundred
and ninety five pounds of tobacco, costs of suite, which said
Deputation I did see and read under the hand and seale of
Robert Doyne, and when your Deponent with the said Henry
Hardy came to the house of the said Mill, the said Hardy