Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 471
housekeepers in the said Hundred (viz) Mr Thomas Parsloe,
Mr Jonah Winfield, and Mr Gustavus White, neither of them
in any other office or any waies upon the Countries service at
that time But the Court rejecting them contrary to the said
Act, notwithstanding your Petr was appointed by an Act of
Assembly a Commissioner for laying out of Townes, and your
Petr being alsoe much afflicted with sickness did for these
reasons refuse to serve, for which the Court did fine your Petr
in the summe of five hundred pounds of tobacco for not take-
ing the oath of a Constable, and other five hundred for not
returning a list of taxables, and when they had soe fined your
Liber B.
P. R. O.
Petr they did then summons your Petr to Court to give reasons
why your Petr did refuse to serve as aforesaid, And when the
Court did heare what your Petr had to say, some of them was
pleased to say that the office lay not in their power to take off,
likewise your Petr on record in Calvert County stands fined
five hundred pounds of tobacco, which your Petr humbly con-
ceives is a mistake made by the clarke, for that your Petrs
brother Samuel Ashcorn is served by an execution for five hun-
dred pounds of tobacco, which as your Petr doth humbly con-
ceive is the same for that noe record doth appeare against the
said Samuel in Calvert County Now your Petr humbly desireth
your Honrs to consider such proceedings and mistakes and
remitt those fines soe layd. And your Petr as in duty bound
shall ever pray.
p. 16
The consideration of the aforegoeing petition referred
till to-morrow morning at which time the Petr or some
Attorney for him to attend the board to answer such things as
shall be proposed in this behalf.
To the Honble Councill
The humble petition of Giles Blizard
Humbly sheweth,
Giles Blizard
That whereas your humble Petr (who for severall
yeares hath been a trader into this Province, being
an Inhabitant in the said Province, and believing that those
who substitute any trade in the said Province, may from his
Lsp. find encouragemt thereto) hath taken upon him the make-
ing of Beaver Hatts and Castors which with noe small charge,
your humble Petr hath brought to perfection, but the law of
this Province prohibiting the trading with the Indians without
his Lsp's lycence or of those by his Lsp commissioned there-
unto, for want of such lycence needfull for the procureing Furrs
for carrying on the said trade, your humble Petr must be con-
strained to his greate loss, to desist the prosecution thereof
The granting of which lycence your humble Petr supposeth to
be in your Honrs power, upon which your humble Petr doth