Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. 469
rant (after building there) would have lived between the head
of Sassafrax and the lower Counties, if the Quakers had not
driven them off which is all at present from Hond Sir
Your Honre most obedient servant
Phil: Morrey.
To the honble
Coll. Henry Darnall present
whereupon was sent him this foll: letter in answer viz:
St Maries May 4th 1686.
Capt. Morrey
Liber B.
P. R. O.
letter to
Phil: Morrey
cone: in-
croachmts &c
Your letter of the 2d Aprill last has been re-
ceived and the contents read and considered off in
Councill by whose order you may understand that
as to the Incroachments vou mention good care has
already been taken therein for prevention, a coppy whereof has
been sent you, which together with your former Instructions you
are to observe and put in execution. By vertue of your
Comission you have power to press such men as you can best
confide in, the Sheriff being ordered to take care for provisions
sufficient without any trouble to you soe that you will have noe
occasion to quitt your station
Signed p order of his Lps Councill
John Lewellin Cl. Con:
Maryland Se.
To the honble the Deputy Governours and Councill of this
The humble petition of Garratt Van-Sweeringcn
p. 14
Garrt V-
Unto your Honrs that in the time Majr Boareman
was Sheriff of the County of St Marys your Petr
obteined a grant by promise from his Lsp the Rt
honble the Lord Proprty that now is that upon the relinquishing
or dismission of the said Boareman from the place of Sheriff
your Petr, should be admitted to succeed in that office, but it
soe happened that before that time Coll. Wharton (of happy
memory) when he was Governor of this Province, had made a
promise to Mr Joshua Doyne to be Sheriff of said County upon
the first vacancy thereof, for which promise sake his Lordship
out of the greate esteeme and respect he bore to the said
Collonel Wharton did grant to the said Mr Doyne a Comission
for the said place but at the same time his Ldp: out of his
naturall and accustomed goodness, and particular favour to
your Petr renewed his former promise and was pleased to give
your Petr an assurance that upon the first occasion that should