464 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89.
Libev B.
P. li. O.
for him to be served with any such thing but desired him the
said Gale to give him a meeting on Tuesday following at the
chooseing of Burgesses and then he would see the order and
further discourse of it, which was all that passed between them
thereupon and he hopes it will not be deemed any contempt in
him to an order of this honble board, and for refusing to comply
with the order passed against him in Talbot County Court (as
the said Gale had falsely suggested) he is altogether ignorant
of any such order neither (he is confident) did ever any order
pass against him in the said County Court, upon the difference
between them.
Both parties being heard, and it not appearing to this Board
that any order had passed in Talbot County Court in that
behalf as was ordered by this board, but that the same for rea-
sons best known to the Com" had been waved and nothing
therein done, it is the opinion of this board that the said
Staples had not been anywise contemptuous and therefore it
is thought fitt that he be dismissed with his costs according to
the following order thereupon passed viz:
Maryland ss. By the Councill May the 4th 1686.
Henry Staples
Abr: Gale
Upon the complaint of Abraham Gale of
Somersett County chyrurgion against Henry
Staples of Kent County chyrurgion for-
merly exhibited to this board Both parties being this day
heard, and their allegations; it was considered and ordered by
this board that the said Staples be dismissed with his costs in
that behalf expended to be recovered against the said Gale.
Signed p order
J. Lewellin Cl Consil.
Wells ap-
Came Swithin Wells of Caecill County and pre-
sented himself to this board humbly supplicating their
Honrs grace and favour towards him in order to dis-
p. 9 charge him and his bayle from their recognizance taken in the
Provinciall Court, for that he had been afflicted with sickness
and could not make his appearance according to his obligation
and duty, but further humbly offers and moves to their Honrs
that he had already made his submission in the County Court
to those persons whom he had particularly affronted in his
drink which had been there accepted off, that now he prostrates
himself to this board humbly acknowledging his errors and
prays their Honrs to accept of his present submission and sincere
hearty promises of future amendment and good behaviour.
with his
The same was accordingly accepted off, and there-
upon it was considered and ordered by the board that
the said Wells with his bavle be dismissed and dis-
charged of their recognizance taken in the Provinciall Court.