At the Court at Whitehall 13th November 1685.
The King's most Excellent Majesty in Councill The follow-
ing report from the Right Honorable the Lords of the Com-
mittee for Trade and foreign Plantations being this day read at
the Board.
The Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantations hav-
ing pursuant to His late Majesty's Order in Councill of the 31.
of May 1683 examined the Matters in Difference between the
Lord Baltemore and William Penn Esqre in behalf of his pres-
ent Majesty concerning a Tract of Land in America commonly
called Delaware, their Lordships find that the Land intended to
be granted by the Lord Baitemore's Patent was only Land
uncultivated and inhabited by savages, and that this Tract of
Land now in dispute was inhabited and planted by Christians
at and before the Date of the Lord Baitemore's Patent as it
hath been ever since to this time and continued as a distinct
colony from that of Maryland, so that their Lordships humbly
offer their opinion that for avoyding further differences the
Tract of Land lying between the River and Bay of Delaware
and the Eastern Sea on the one side and Chesapeak Bay on
the other, be divided into two equall parts by a line from the