directions to grant the same as occasion, and you are to cause
all such certificates of Bond given in England, Wales or Ber-
wick to ships arriving within our Province of Maryland to be
produced as well to the Collector, of our Customs there for the
time being or his Deputy, as to the Officer appointed by you
to receive the same: and the better to discover the truth of
Certificates of Bonds given in Maryland the said Commrs of
our Customes did formerly deliver to you a sufficient number
of printed Certificates in blanks of several sorts, And you are
to give order and take care that your Secretary's or Navall
Officer's do join with the said Collector of the Customs, or his
Deputy for the time being in granting the said Certificates, and
that they do not grant any other Certificates than those before
mentioned, nor them without the hand and seal of the said
Collector or his deputy, nor accept of any security upon
bond given in Maryland without the Privity and approbation
of the said Collector or his Deputy, or of any Certificates in
discharge of such bonds without the like approbation.
Memdm This clause being inserted in the Instructions pre-
pared particularly for the Province of Maryland, the same is to
be left out in the Instructions to be prepared for the rest of His
Majesty's Plantation's As are also the 8th and 9th Articles for the
same reason.
6. Whereas by the aforesaid Act of Trade made in the 15th
year of His late Majesty's reign and his said Majesty's Proc-
lamation pursuant thereunto of the 24th of November in the
27th year of His reign, no Commodities of the growth, produc-
tion or manufacture of Europe (except salt for the fishery of
New England & Newfoundland, Wines of the growth of the
Maderas or Western Islands or Azores, Servants or Horses
from Scotland or Ireland, and all sorts of victuall of the growth
and production of Scotland and Ireland shall he imported into
any of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations, but what shall be
bona fide and without fraud laden & shipped in England,
Wales, or Berwick, and in ships duly qualified, you are to use
your utmost endeavors for the due observance thereof, and if
contrary hereunto any ship or vessell shall import into Mary-
land any Commodities of the growth production or manufac-
ture of Europe (but what are before excepted) of which due
proof shall not be made that the same were shipt or laden in
some Port of England, Wales or Berwick, by producing
Cocquetts or Certificates under the hands and seals of the
Officers of the Customs in such Port or Place where the same
were laden, such shipp or vessell and Goods are forfeited, and
you are to give in charge that the same be seized and prose-
cuted accordingly; And in order to prevent the acceptance of
forged Cocquetts (which have been practised to our great pre-
judice) you are to give effectual orders that for all such Euro-
P. R. O.
Entry Book.