p. 179
Tuesday 18th August 1685.
Upon the petition of William Penn Esq, referred to the
Committee setting forth that the difference between my Lord
Baltemore and the petitioner is about a Title of Land and
not of Power and so not the Question of the Quo Warranto
issued against my Lord Baltemore and therefore praying that
a short day may be set for hearing and determining the same
Their Lordships appoint to hear the difference between the
Lord Baltemore and the petr concerning the Boundaries and
Title of Soil in America on Wednesday the 26th of this month
at four in the afternoon and order notice thereof to be given to
both parties accordingly.
P. R. O.
Entry Book,
No. 97.
Instructions prepared by the Commissioners of the Customes
for the Governors in the Plantations for the better putting in
execution the Acts of Trade and Navigation.
James R.
Our Will and Pleasure is that our right trusty and Well-
beloved Charles Lord Baltemore give order and take particular
care that the following instructions be strictly observed and
followed by all Officers and other persons whom it may concern
in our Province of Maryland.
1. You are well and truly to inform yourself of the principal
laws relating to the Plantation trade made in the 16th year of
His said Majesty's reign, The Act for regulating the Plantation
Trade made in the 22. and 23. years of the said king's reign,
and the Act for better securing the Plantation Trade made in
the 25. year of the said king's reign, being all conteined in a
book of rates herewith delivered unto you for your further
2. You are to take notice that by the said Act of Navigation
no goods or commodities whatsoever are to be imported into
or exported out of our Province of Maryland or any other of
our Colonies or Plantations in any other ships or Vessels what-
soever but in such as do truly and without fraud belong only
to the people of England or Ireland, Wales or Berwick or are
of the built of and belonging to any of our Colonies or Planta-
tions as the Proprietors and right owners thereof, and whereof