P. R. O.
Entry Book,
Vol. 52.
the right Honble the Earle of Rochester Lord H: treasurer of
England be desired to constitute a fit person Collector of his
Majesty's Customs at Maryland in the room of the said Mr
Rousby and that his Lordship do cause him to be dispatched
so as to be in readiness to depart with the vessel designed to
supply the Place of the Quaker Ketch as aforesaid.
P. R. O.
Information of W. Markham
March 1685
Having had advice, as I was up the River of my Lord Bal-
temore being at New Castle, made what possible speed I could
down to wait on him and on the 23rd of Sept" about tenn at
night, go into Upland Creek, where being told my Lord Bal-
temore was at my lodging at Robt Waides lay that night at
Upland. The next morning waited on my Lord, but his lord-
shipp having a great reteinue with him and every one something
to say to me, I desired Mr Haig he would take notice what
passed betweene us and write it down, for I feared they would
hardly give me so much time as to do it, about three days after
his Lordship was gone, I desired Mr Haig to give me in writ-
ing what he had noted passed at the time aforesaid the which
he did as followeth.
Saturday Septer 23rd 1682 the Lord Baltemore accompanied
with Col: Corsie, Majr Seawell Maj. Sawyer, and four of his
own Commiss" and forty men armed with carbines, pistols and
swords came from New Castle to and lay all night at Robtt
Wayds. Sunday the 24th being not a day of buisiness, Balte-
more desired that he might see his own Instrument and that of
Col. Morrises sett up, that he might know how they did agree
in order to proceed the next day for laying out the line of divi-
sion betwixt the two Provinces, but after the Instruments were
sett up and none appointed to mind them but the Ld Balte-
mores the men by his order, they told the Lord that they found
Upland to lye in the Lattd 39o, 45'.
Munday 25th Septr. This morning his Lordship desired that
he might be admitted to go furthur up the river that he might
run as far up as the line of 40 where ever it was to be found, but
Governor Markham told him that he conceivd that from 12 miles
above New Castle and so upward upon Delaware River his Lord-
ship had no reason of Claim because he had no interest therein
being appropriated to his Mastr Wm Penn by Letters patent
granted to him by the King beginning twelve miles distance
northward of New Castle Towne unto the 43o 00' of Northern
lattitude, unto which the Ld Baltemore replied that he was not
to consult what was granted to Mr Penn, but what his Majesty