Knowledge & meere mocon Have Given & granted & by
these prsents for us our heires & Successors Do Give and
Grant unto Our dearest brother Iames Duke of Yorke his
heires & Assignes All that the Town of Newcastle otherwise
called Delaware & Fort therein or thereunto belonging Scituate
lying and being between Maryland & New Jersey in America
And all that River called Delaware & Soyle thereof and all
Islands in the said River And all that Tract of Land upon the
West side of the River and Bay of Delaware which lyeth from
Skoolkill Creek upon the said River unto Bombeys Hook &
from Bombeys Hook, on the Said River and Bay unto Cape
Hinlopen now called Cape Iames being the South part of Asea
Warmet Inlett As also all that Tract of land and water lying
from or between the Boundaries aforesaid or Westward thereof
which was formerly the Claime or Possession of the States
Generall of the United Provinces or any of their Subjects or
which was by them or any of them first surrendered unto Our
Lieftenant Governor Collonel Nichols, & which hath since been
Surrendered unto Sr Edmond Andrews Lieftenant Governorto
our Said Dearest brother Iames Duke of York & hath for
severall years been in his possession with the free use & Con-
tinuance in & passage into & out of all Singlar Ports Harbours
Bayes Rivers Isles and Inletts belonging unto or leading to or
from the said Tract of Land or any part or parcell thereof.
And the Seas Bayes & Rivers & Soyle thereof bounding East-
ward & Southward on the said Tract of land And all Islands
therein And also all the soyle lands fields woods underwoods
Mountains Hills Fenns Swamps Isles Lakes Rivers Riveletts.
Extract of the Grant
Grant of Delaware
May it please your Lop
The annexed is the Boundaryes of His Royall Highness
Patent I humbly begg yor Lops will please to call for it & move
it to the Committee that the Settlement of the Country may
not suffer by any delay the Councill who drew it for the Duke
is without attending your Lops Pleasure, and to answer any
difficulty which may happen about it, if yor Lops please to call
him in.
Memd Upon reading a letter from my Lord Howard Gov-
ernor of Virginia dated the 28 Nov. 1684. together with
severall depositions and papers transmitted by his Lordship
relating to the murther of Mr Christopher Rousby, Collector of
His Majesty's Customs in Maryland by Coll: George Talbot
one of the Councill and first in the commission in that Province.