P. R. O.
where he now remaines a servant to the said Sly. And the
said Eaton did before us undertake to cause the said William
Goodwin to be brought over into England. Provided such
necessary charges as Your Majesty or the Lords of the Privy
Councill shall think fit to order bee paid by the Relations of
the said Goodwin in case that when hee is brought over noe
default shall appeare to be in the said Ioseph Eaton which wee
thought reasonable And therefore are humbly of opinion that
the said Eaton bee obliged in a bond of 100l to Your Majesty
with condition to procure that the said Goodwin be brought into
England with the first opportunity if hee bee then alive in
Maryland upon the petitioners depositing 20l in the hands of
the Clerks of Your Matys Councill to bee disposed of as Yor
Maty shall Order upon arrivall of the said Wm Goodwin and
further examination of the said matter.
And further Wee are humbly of opinion, that the Lord
Baltemore bee required to take care that the said Goodwin bee
delivered to the said Eaton or his Agent in Maryland in order
to his being brought back into England
All which is most humbly
Council Chamber
31: Dec: 1684.
Report Upon the Petition
of Mrs Audrey Beal.
Memd the Peter letre this Business fall.
A Proclamation
For His Majesty's Province of Maryland
Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to call to his mercy
our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second of most
blessed memory, by whose decease, the Imperial Crowns of
England, Scotland, France and Ireland, as also the Supream
Dominion and Sovereign Right of the Province of Maryland
and all other his late Majesties Territories and Dominions in
America, are solely & rightfully come to the high and mighty
Prince James Duke of York and Albany his Majesties only
Brother and Heir We therefore
with the Principall Officers & Inhabitants
of the Province aforesaid
Do now hereby with one full Voice and Consent of Tongue
and heart, publish and proclaim, that the high and mighty
Prince James the Second, is now by the death of our late Sov-
ereign of happy memory, become our onely lawfull Lineal and
Rightful Liege Lord, James the Second, by the Grace of God