The Oathe of the Chancellor or Keeper of the
Greate Seale of the Province of Maryland.
I A: B: Doe Sweare that I will faythfully Serve the Right
honoble Caecilius Lord Barron of Baltemore the true and
absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland
and his heires, as his Channcellor and Keeper of his Greate
Seale of this Province Cofnitted to my Charge and Custody
by his said Lops Comon to me to the best of my Skill and
vnderstanding I will cause the Impression in Way of the said
Seale to be affixed to all such thinges as I haue or shall from
tyme to tyme receive Comission or Warrant for soe doeing
from his said Lop vnder his hand and Seale at Armes And
th( itt shall not be affixed to any other wryting or thing what-
soever directly or indirectly with my privity Consent or knowl-
edge I will doe my best Endeavor carefully to preserve the
said Greate Seale in my Custody Soe long as it shall please
his said Lordship to Continue me in the Charge and keepeing
thereof to the End that it may not be lost Stollen or vnlawfully
taken from me And whereby any other person may affixe the
Impression thereof vnto any Wryting or thing whatsoever,
without authority for soe doeing Lawfully derived or to be
derived from by or vnder a Commission or Warrant vnder his
said Lops hand and Seale at Armes And that I will truely and
faythfully deliver vp againe the said Greate Seale into the
hands of such person or persons as his said Lop or his heires
shall appoynte when his or their pleasures for that purpose
shall be signifyed vnto me vnder his or their hand and Seale
at Armes
Soe helpe me God &c:
The Oathe of a Councellor of State in
the Province of Maryland:
I A. B. Doe sweare that I will be true and faythfull to the
Right honoble Caecilius Lord Barron of Baltemore the true and
absolute Lord and Proprietary of this Province of Maryland
and his heires and him and them and his and their Rights
Royall Jurisdiccons and Seigniorie all and every of them into
and over the said Province and Hands therevnto belonging
will att all tymes Defend and mayntayne to the vtmost of my
power And will never accept off nor Execute any place office
or Imployment within the said Province any way concerning or
Relateing to the Government of the said Province from any
person or authority but by from or vnder a lawfull authority
derived or to be Derived from tyme to tyme from his said
Lop or his heires Lords and Proprietarys of the said Province
vnder his or their hand and Seale at Armes, The peace and