Jersey in America and several other Lands, tenements and
Hereditaments therein menioned; Your Maty is hereby pleased
to grant unto the said James Duke of York All that town of
New Castle otherwise called Delaware and Fort thereunto
belonging lying between Maryland and New Jersey in America;
And all that River called Delaware and Soyl thereof and all
Islands in the said River and all that tract of Land upon the
West side of the River and Bay of Delaware which lyeth from
Skookill Creek upon the said River unto Bombays Hook and
backwards into the Woods so far as the Minquai Country; and
from Bombeys Hook on the said River and Bay unto Cape
Honlopon now called Cape James being the South point of
Asia Wariner Inlet and backwards into the Woods three Indians
days Journey together with all the Lands Islands, Soyle Rivers,
Harbours, Mines, Minerals, Quarries, Woods, Marshes, Waters,
Lakes Fishings Hawkings, Hunting and Fowling and all other
Royalties, Profit Commodities and Hereditaments to the said
town, Fort tract of Land and Prouinses belonging to hold to
the said Duke of York and his Heirs for ever. Paying there-
for yearly one Beaver skin And such other Clauses Powers and
Authorities are inserted as were directed by Warrant under
you Majtys Royall Sign Manuall.
13 Apr. 1683. R. Sawyer.
P. R. O.
Tuesday 17th April 1683.
My Lord Privy Seal produces a letter to himself from the
Lord Baliemore dated 3 Feb. 1682 (—3) with two other papers
inclosed the one being an account of the Conference held in
Maryland between the Lord Baltemore and William Penn and
the other containing a Narrative of the whole proceedings be-
twixt them whereby it appears that great contests have arisen
between them concerning the bounds of their Provinces it being
also alleged therein that Mr Penn has written a letter dated 16
Sept 1681 which was directed to James Frisby and others at
their plantations in Pennsylvania which the Lord Baltemore
does assert to be within the Bounds of his Propriety wherein
Mr Penn does nevertheless advise them that as he was confident
and ready to believe they were within his bounds they should
not pay any more taxes or ssessments by any order or law of
Maryland Whereupon the inhabitants of Baltemore and Cecil
County having refused to pay their levys the Lord Baltemore
and his Council had immediately issued out orders to the Mili-
tary officers of those Countys to assist the Sheriffs in the due
execution of their office which had been with great difficulty
Whereupon it is ordered that my Lord Keeper have a view
of the several Boundarys of the Patents granted to the Lord
P. R. O.
Entry Book,
D. 138