sixth yeare of the Dominion of the said Lord Propry &c: anno
Dom: 1681. Haveing not the feareof God before theire Eyes
but being moued by the Instigation of the Deuill theire due
obedience to the said Lord Propry not regarding but Intending
and maliciously contriuing one Josias Fendall late of Charles
County Gentleman then for severall high misdemeanors, that
is to say for mutinous speeches practices and attempts with
force against the person of the said Lord Propry his peace and
Government committed lawfully imprisoned and in Custody
at Mattapany in Caluert County in the Province aforesaid the
being to rescue and sett at large to make Rebellious Insurrec-
tions in the said Prouince and the said Lord Propry in his Do-
minion and Government ouer the said Province to disturb and
the same Government at theire wills and pleasures to alter
with force and arms (that is to say) swords, pistolls Gunns and
other weapons as well offensiue as defensiue in Warlike man-
ner armed and arrayed the said seaventeenth day of July in
the said sixth yeare of the Dominion of the said Lord Propry
&c: Anno Dom: 1681. Att Port tobam in Charles County
aforesaid theire wicked Intentions aforesaid to accomplish and
execute themselves to the number of thirty persons falsely and
rebelliously did raise conuene and assemble together against
theire due obedience to the said Lord Propry to the great
perrill of the person of the said Lord Propry and the subuer-
sion of the said Gouverment and against the peace of the said
Lord Propry his honnor and Dignity and also against the form
of the Act of Assembly in this Case made and prouided &c:
On the Backside of the aforegoing
Presentment was by the Grand In-
quest Endorsed: Billa Vera.
Upon which Presentment the aforesaid George Godfrey
hath been indicted upon his Indictment arraigned and upon
his arraignment Pleaded not guilty and for his Tryall put him-
selfe upon God and the Country and the said Thomas Burford
Attorney Generall for the said Propry Likewise therefore it is
commanded the Sheriff of St Maryes County that he cause to
come here twelve &c:
Now here at this day to witt the fourteenth Day of Nouem-
ber in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honnble
Charles Lord Baltemore &c: Anno Dom: 1681. Came the
said Thomas Burford Attorney Generall for the said Lord
Propry and the said George Godfrey was brought to the barr
and the Jurors impanelled being called likewise came (to witt)
Peeter Sawyer Philip Lynes Anthony Dawson John Richard-
son William Hill John Hungerford Joseph Serjeant John Salis-
bury John Evans James Peterkin William Steeuens and Wil-
liam Mishew who being elected tryed and sworne well and
P. R. O.