of theire Priueledge if we demand security of him to appeare
from day to day till his conuiction or acquittall, or upon Re-
fusall to give security we should commit him unless the Lower
house will give us theire word for his appearance, I rest your
humble servant
Philip Calvert.
November 11th 1681.
From the Prouinciall Court.
And the Delegates of the Lower house of Assembly returne
to the Justices of the Prouinciall Court this writing following
Lower house of Assembly November the 11th 1681.
This house take in good part the respect showne them by
his honnor the Chancellor and the rest of the Justices of the
Prouinciall Court and to demonstrate that they were not be-
hind hand with theirs did give the same leave of this house
to Capt Coode to appeare this morning at the Prouinciall
Court in order to his Tryall and are still contented therein at
such time as the Court desires it and in confidence that Giueing
the word of this house for his appearance will not be any ways
construed to fauour and countenance the crimes layd to his
Charge but meerly respect to Capt Coode as a Member of this
house doe passe theire word for his appearance accordingly
dureing the sitting of this house, your honnrs most humble
Philaemon Lloyd Speaker
To the Honnorable
the Chancellor and
the rest of the Justices
of the Prouinciall Court:
The Jurors for the Right Honnorable the Lord Propry of this
Province doe present that John Coode late of st Maryes
County in the Province aforesaid Gentleman the seauenth Day
of May in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the said Lord
Propry &c: Anno Dom: 1681. at the house of one Nehe-
miah Blackiston scituate in s£ Maryes County aforesaid Mali-
ciously contriueing practicing and attempting to diuert the
obedience of the people from the said Lord Propry to raise a
Mutiny and sedition in the said Province haueing a communi-
cation with one Collen Mackensey of said John Coode then
and there of his own mutinous and seditious Mind and Imagi-
nation falsely and maliciously expressly and aduisedly in the
presence and hearing of diuers good people of this Province
these false scandalous, mutinous and seditious English words