dischargeing his said Office and trust according to the Act of
assembly in that Case provided Given at St Maries under
Our lesser Seale of Our said province of Maryland the first
day of April in the Six and thirtith yeare of Our Dominion
Over Our said province Annoq Dorn One thousand six hundred
sixty eight Wittnesse Our Deare Sonn Charles Calvert Esqr
Our Leiftennt Generall and Cheife Governour of Our said
province of Maryland—
The Oath of the Sheriff of St Maries County You shall well
and truly Serve the Lord Proprietary in the Office of a Sheriff
of the County of St Maries and doe his Lopps profitt in all
things that belong unto you by way of Office as farr forth as
you can or may: You shall truly and Rightfully treate the
people of your Sheriffwick and doe Right as well to the poore
as to the Rich in all that belongs unto your Office You shall
doe no wrong to any man for any Gift favour hate or Other
affection. You shall duely execute so farr as you may all such
writts and warrants as shall be to you directed by lawfull
authority and thereof you shall make a true returne according
to the tenor thereof
So help you God.:/
These are to will and require you that by the twentith day of
July next you Cause a list to be taken of all the Tithables
within your County and that in the said list the name and Sur-
name of each tithable person and the house of his abode be
distinctly sett downe and a Coppy thereof fairly written and
sent ifnediately downe to the Governour and Council and an
Other Coppy of the said list Sett up in the Court house at the
next Provinciall Court to remaine there for the whole yeare
To the end that if any errors be therein they may be corrected