family were eight Susquahanoe's and upon that imediately
fled to the Senuques & that all the mischiefe that hath been
done hath been by their severall troops as they come out of
Virginia, and them two this year shot were by two Susquahanoe's
that came with that troop of Senuques that carried the Susqui-
hanoes from this place since wch the same troop took the cheife
warriours in the Susquihanoes River being 30 in number who
had then been a hunting to make a present to you for peace
among wch was the young Indian I formerly talked with att
Jacob Youngs, old Colleir was coming himselfe but was by the
rest persuaded to dissist for want of a Present, I have now
sent for him and one other great man to come to me where I
now stay for them, Here is 26 men of them left here still, I
purpose to persuade them to goe with me to New York it
being Governor Andrews orders to Capt. Collier to send them
& judge it the best way to knit the peace with them in the
Articles joyntly for these two Governmts in respect they now
live undr this Governmt (not leaving Virginia out) and I am
advised it will bee the only way to include the Piscatoway
Indians which by their own expressions will I hope prove the
hardest part of my taske & att a dear rate too I doe find by
the Interpreter that Capt. Collier hath been an evill Instrument
to our Province for it was offered by the Senuques to include
Maryland as well as this Governmt likewise he hath reported
that his answer from yor Honor or them you impowred to
answer Governor Androes letters that Maryland would make
warr or peace att their owne pleasure and this hath incensed
Governor Androes, I doe not hear of any Senuques this way,
but I find a Report by one Indian that is said to come from
their Troops that they said they would be att Palmers Island by
that tyme corne was halfe legg high I likewise find a necessity
to carry Jacob Young along with me without whom I cann doe
nothing, & what truth is to be had is from him & none else
Hee tells me that the Senuques having marched about 10 days
then fell at some difference amongst themselves how to divide
them Susquahanoes they had with them they being of two
sevrall fforts and upon the division the Susquahanoes were
very much displeased and some of them got away, the rest
they bound and carried with them but it is Judged not to hurt
them for every one of the fforts strive what they can to get
them to themselves and Governr Androes to get them to the
Masoques for it was told me by Capt Delavall that if they had
them they would make warr immediately with the ffrench.
This 23d instant came to me 4 Susquahanoes and with them
the emperor of the Delaware bay Indians and upon discourse
with them I find them all inclining to a peace that have promised
mee that two of their chiefe men with all haste shall follow us
P. R. O.