and that he is (as his said Lopp was informed) a very
fitt person for the place being formerly putt in by Mee
signed Charles Calvert (as his said Lopp did declare) or
Charles Calvert by Henry Sewall Esqr late Secretary of this Prov-
ince the which Office was accordingly confirmed On the
said Jenifer first by the said Secretary and after his decease
by my selfe and that before the day of the date above
mentioned Upon which sufficient Grounds and reasons his
said Lopp did then Order and appoint Mee his said Leiftennt
to Confirme the said Office or imployment againe On him
the said Daniel Jenifer and to passe some Grant or Assurance
of the said place to the said Jenifer that he may not be putt
Out upon any Change of the Secretary Wherefore I doe
hereby Confirme on you the said Daniel Jenifer the said
Office and imployment and doe from this tyme forward
and in pursuance of his said Lopp Order depute constitue
Ordaine and appoint you the said Daniel Jenifer Clerke and
Keeper of the Records of the said Provinciall Courts with
all priviledges and profitts benifitts and fees whatsoever to
the said Office whatsoever belonging or appurteining In
confirmation whereof and for your sufficient warrant in
Officiateing the said Office I have hereunto sett my hand
and lesser seale of the province this tenth day of ffebruary
in the foure and thirtith yeare of his said Lopps Dominion
Over this province of Maryland Annoqr Dom One thousand
six hundred sixty and five.
I doe hereby impower and Authorize you Daniel Jenifer
Clerke of the Secretaryes Office and the provinciall Courts
to prove all Rights of land that shall be Originally due to any
person or persons whatsoever and allowed according to his
Lopps Condicon of plantations in such cases made and pro-
vided also to signe subscribe and seale with the seale of the
said Office all warrants Tor land be they of what nature soever
that have just Grounds from the said Conditions for the
issueing of the same or upon any other good considerations
whatsoever now used and allowed in such cases in the said
Office signifieing under all and every such warrant so by you
signed to be done by my Order and appointment And I doe
also hereby further authorize you and impower you to signe
and seale with the seale aforesaid all writts of Arrest subpoena's
summons's attachmts and executions or Other writt or instru-
ment whatsoever that shall tend or have relation to the
recovering of any debts impleading of any persons attaching
of any goods or levying the same which said writts or
instruments and every of them you are to Conclude with
my name as Leiftennt Generall and Cheife justice. And I