William Clayborne late of Kent Esqre whoe stands by publique
Acts convicted of oppen hostilitie done and exercised within
this Province against the Lord propryetary and his Govern-
ment. And what you shall soe seise deliver into the hands of
his Lordshipp's receiver Generall for which doeing this shalbe
your warrant.
To the sheriffe of Kent. Giles Brent
This is a true Coppy of the Records of Maryland
examined this 25th of July 1654. per me.
Henry Coursey. Clarke.
To the Lord Baltimore.
Signed Charles R.
Right trusty &c. Whereas formerly by our royall Letters to
our Governor and Counsell in Virginia and to other our officers
and subjects in those parts, wee signified our pleasure, that
William Clobery David Morehead and other Planters in the
Hand nere Virginia which they have nominated Kentish Hand
should in noe sort be interrupted in their Trade or Plantation
by you or any other in your right But rather be encouraged to
proceed cherefully in soe good a worke, Wee doe now under-
stand that though your Agents had notice of our sayd pleasure
signified by our Letters yett contrary thereunto, they have
slaine three of our subjects there and by force possessed them-
selves by night of that Hand and seized and carryed away both
the persons and estates of the said Planters. Now out of our
Royall care to prevent such disorders as we have referred to
our Commissioners for Plantations the examinations of the
truth of theise Complaints and required them thereuppon to
proceed according to justice soe now by these perticuler Letters
to yourself wee strictly require and command you to performe,
what our former severall Letters did enjoyne. And that the
above named Planters and theire Agents may injoye in the
meane time theire possessions and be safe in theire persons
and goods there without disturbance, or further trouble by you
or any of yours till the Cause be decided. And herein wee
expect your ready conformity that wee may have noe cause
of any further mislike. Given under our Signett at our Manor
at Greenewich the 14th day of July in the fortenth yeare of our
Raigne 1638.
The Clerke of the Signett attending is desired to cause this
Letter (which is a true Coppy) to be entered in the Signett
John Coke.
The 21st July 1638 David Morehead did deliver His
Majesty's Letter to the Lord Baltimore in presence of Mr