Pascatycon, Nenamattin Nicottanine, Wantemaco Damahock
Papuckggh Channanotiman Councellors Errammakondah Mon-
checuttah Macheroatak.
Firste hee was told that foure of the Councellors of Paskey-
sayes and the Governors brother of Maryland and Leifetenant
Winter were come to see him, In regard that they heard hee
was a good and discreete man, and a greate lover of the
English nation.
The answere of the kinge of Patuxon
It is true I am a lover of the English nation, and there shall
none of them bee killed by my meanes, but perhaps some idle
fellowe of my people might meete with an Englishman hunting
which might perhaps kill him; but if any one did I will bring
the man unto you and you shall kill him, soe there shall not
one dye but two.
The second question.
That wee are come to bee resolved of some words that
Captaine Fleete hath related unto the Governor of Maryland
and wee earnestly desire him to speake the truth being it may
concerne the lives of some of our men.
The answere.
He answered with some earnestnes because wee seemed to
doubt that he should reporte any thinge but truth, that hee
would not lye in any tjiing that wee should aske him, but
would speake the truth.
The third question
Wee demanded the reason why they conceived the inhabit-
ants of Maryland to bee Waspaines.
The answere
That at their first comeing, some of the Indians who were
none of the greate men nor of the Councell did thinke the
Marylanders to bee Waspaines, But afterward this my Cosen
Maichicuttah pointing to him) comeing from Yawocomico did
bring the newes to us that Capt: Fleete should tell him, that
neither Captaine Clayborne nor Captaine Fleete himselfe nor
Mr Harman should trade with them but only the English of
Yawocomico and therefore they thought them to bee Was-
The Fourth question.
Whether they ever heard Captaine Clayborne reporte that
the English of Yawocomico were Waspaines.