soe many yeares tyme in which wee have rather seemed to
forbeare than prosecute so just a revenge as they have
deserved. Now know yee that I the said Iohn Pott according
to an Acte of Court to that purpose made and established the
nynth daie of this instant Iuly, out of the good opinion I con-
ceive of the valour, care and sufficiency of my wellbeloved
friend William Clayborne Esqre doe by these presents nominate
and appoynt him the said William Clayborne Captaine and
Commander of all such forces and Companies of men as are
or shall bee levied or sett forth for that imployment. Willing
and requiring him the said William Clayborne to imploy him-
selfe and Company by all the waies and meanes he can to
destroy and pursue the Indians of these territories adjoyning
(whoe have beene eyther principals or accessories and ayding
to the murder of our men by cutting down their corne sur-
prising them in their habitations intercepting them in their
hunting, burning their townes distroying their Canoes and
weares and depriving them of whatsoever may yeld them
succour or reliefe. Gyveing and granting unto him the said
William Clayborne full power and authority to commande
governe and directe and if neede require to punishe and
correcte, all offending persons, as hee in his discretion shall
thinke fitt his authority in such cases extending soe farr, as by
virtue of his Majesty's Commission I may derive unto him
straightly chardging and commanding all such as shall accom-
pany him in this expedition to bee subjecte and obedient unto
the directions and commands of the said William Clayborne
in such matters and things as hee shall thinke fitt from time to
time to give unto them. Gyven at Iames Citty the two and
twentith daie of Iuly Anno Domini 1629 and in the fift yeare
of the reigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of
God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender
of the fayth &c. and in the three and twentith yeare of this
Iohn Pott.
Signed Charles R.
Charles by the Grace of God King of England Scottland
Fraunce and Ireland Defender of the faith &c: Whereas our
trustie and welbeloved William Clayborne one of the Councell
and Secretary of State for our Colony of Virginia and some
other adventurers with him have condescended with our trustie
and welbeloved Councellor of both the kingdomes Sir William
Allexander Knight or principal secretary for our kingdome of
Scotland and others of our loving subjects who have charge
over our Colonies of new England and new Scotland to keepe
a course for interchange of trade among them as they shall
have occasion as allso to make discovery for increase of trade
P. R. O.