23. What estimate can you make touching the Estates of
the severall degrees of Merchants, and Planters within your
Government, and how you may compute the wealth of the
Island in generall.
24. What number of ships, sloops or other vessels do trade
yearly to and from your Plantation, and of what built, and
burthen, and whether there be any belonging to the Country.
25. What obstructions do you find to the improvemt of the
Trade and Navigation of the Plantations of your Government.
26. What advantages and improvements do you observe
that may be granted to your trade and Navigation.
27. What Rates and Dutys are charged and payable upon
any goods exported out of your plantations, whether of your
own growth, and manufacture or otherwise as also upon goods
imported, and to what publick ends or uses are the same
28. What revenue doth or may arise to his Majesty within
your Government and of what nature is it, by whom is the
same collected, and how answed and accompted to his Majesty.
29. What Persuasion in Religious Matters is most prevalent,
and among the varieties which you are to expresse, what Pro-
portions in number and quality of People, the one holds to the
30. What Course is taken for the instructing of the People
in the Christian Religion, how many Churches and Ministers
are there within your Government, and how many are yet
wanting for the accommodation of your Colony, what provision
is there made for the maintenance of them, as also for relieving
poor decayed and impotent Persons, and whether you have
any Beggars, or Idle Vagabonds.
But because the Case and Condition of Places varied one
from another, the following paper of variations, was read and
approved, and the enquiries ordered to be prepared accordingly.
In the Enquiries to the Lords Proprietors the 10th and 11th
heads are left out and the 27th and 28th run thus.
What Rates and Duties are charged and payable upon any
goods exported out of your Plantation Whether of your own
groweth and manufacture, or otherwise, as also upon Goods
imported, and likewise what other revenue doth or may arise
within your Colony, and how the same are applyed.
P. R. O.
Entry Book,
No. 104.