be Carried out of the said County but that the the duties
thereof are paid according to Act of Assembly I hereby allow-
ing you as a Reward for your Care pains and trouble ten pr
Cent out of the said Imposition Money Tonnage and Secreta-
ries fees you to be Accountable and make Payment of the
Remainder to me upon demand Provided always that you
presume not to enter or Clear any decked Vessel whatsoever
to have and to hold the said Office of Collector of the Impo-
sition Money Port duties and Secretaries fees during Pleasure
Given under my hand and seal the 25th day of December in
the 40th Year of the Dominion of Cecilius &ca Annoq Domini
To Mr Thomas Walker Gent
high Sheriff of the County of Charles Calvert
Somerset these
On the Back side of the foregoing Commission
was thus written
Instructions to be Observed and followed by Thomas
Walker Collector of Somerset County
You shall Cause every such Undecked Vessel that shall
Come to enter with you to enter into two Bonds with security
that is to say the Bond of Navigation and the Bond of two
shillings p hhd and also into one Bond for the Master of the