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412 Court and Testamentary Business, 1648.
Liber A. depending betweene Robt Smith & Walter Beane ret. Octobr Court.
Septembr 30th Edward Hull aged 28 yeares or thereabouts deposed, sayth That hee did see George Manners sometime in July last strike a Sow on her side, belonging unto Edw: Hall wth an axe; But whither the sd sow did dye, by the sd blow, or not, he knoweth not. And further he sayth not. Jurat. coram Gour Edw: Hull.
October 2d The Deposition of Henry Potter aged 29 yeares or thereabouts deposed, sayth That to his knowledge, he hath seene 2 of Edward Halls' sowes shrewdley hurt, as he thinketh wth an axe or hoe. And further sayth, tht hee did heare George Manners acknowledge That hee did throw one tyme an axe or hoe (he remembreth not whether) att Edw: Hall's hogs, finding them in the Come feild. And this he did heare George Manners say, before he knew the swine to be hurt. And this past to the best of his remembrance sometime in July last. And further he sayth not. Henry Potter. Jurat cora Gour
Interrogatories on the behalfe of G. Manners uers Edw: Hall &c: 1. whither or noe you haue not heard Edward Hall promise to giue George Manners satisfaction for any dammage his hogs should doe in the sd Manner's Corne feild. 2. Whither or noe to yor knowledge the sd Edw: Hall did not send word dyuers times unto the sd George Manners, That what dammage his hogs did, he the sd Hall would giue the sd Manners two for one. p. 180. 3d Whither or noe uppon condicon of penning up the hogs, the sd Edw: Hall was to looke to them, one such dayes as the sd George Manners went to Church. 4th whither or floe, during the absence of the sd G. Manners being at Church, this Dept did see, the sd Edw: Hall cast downe the hog-pen doare, & lett the hogs out. 5. Whither or noe, the sd Edw: Hall comming next morning to feede the hogs fownd them in the pen, or in the corne.
In answere to the foresd Interg. Henry Potter deposeth & sayth To the first. That he neuer heard him the sd Edw: Hall say, hee would giue him the sd G. Manners any satisfaction for his corne. But for his pumkin Vines, wch then the hogs of the sd Edward Hall had spoyled, he would satisfy the sd Manners
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