Volume 4, Page 312 View pdf image (33K) |
312 Court and Testamentary Business, 1647.
Liber A. June 12th This Bill bindeth us Thomas Howard & John p. 63 Metcalfe both of St Maries Or heyres exequutors Admistrators & Assignes, firmely by these prnts to pay or cause to bee pd unto James Lindsey, of the same Province, his heyres, exequutrs or Assignes the just & full quanty of two hundd & sixty pounds of good marchble leafe Tob: wth cask. To be payd att or uppon the Tenth day of Noubr next ensuing the date hereof. Wittnes my hand this 5th of Aprill 1647. sig. Tho: A. Howard. Testis JO. John Metcalfe sign John Price Recordr Teste me Willm Bretton Clk.
June I 2. This Bill bindeth mee Willm Hungerford my heyres, exequrs admstrators or Assignes to pay or cause to be pd unto James Lindsey his heyres or Assignes the Just & full quanty of Three hundd pounds of good marchble leafe Tob: in cask att or uppon the Tenth day of Novemb' next ensuing the date hereof. Wittnes my hand, the first day of may. 1647. Wittnes The mark of Charles Rawlinson P Recordr Teste me WiHm Bretton Clk. Willm Hungerford.
June 14th ffrancis Ankatill aged 22th yeares old or there abouts made oath tht he was prnt when Leon: Caluert Esq made his will in his last sicknes in manner following by word of mouth. Viz That he did nominate Mrs Margarett Brent his sole exequutrix.
Eod. Mrs Mary Beane deposeth the same. And further she deposeth tht he did desyre tht his exequutrix should give the first mare Colt tht shall fall wthin this yeare (And if none falleth wthin this yeare, then the first mare Colt tht shall here after fall) unto Mrs Temperance Pippett of Virginea.
June 17th George Rutland demandeth security of Edmond Smith for 360 l Tob: & cask due by bill to be pd the moth of Novembr next Wart to the sheriffe tht the sd Edmond putt in security not to depart out of the Prouince before the sd debt be satisfyed or ells to remaine in safe custody
June 17th Capt John Price Capt of the ffort of St Inego's made the Gouernor acquainted tht there was great want of Corne in the sd ffort, towards the maintenance of the soldiers. And desyred the Gouernor to take some speedy course to supply the sd want.
Volume 4, Page 312 View pdf image (33K) |
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