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Court and Testamentary Business, 1638. 25
Iland by or Lieutenant generall of or Province; Know ye there- Liber Z. fore that wee doe hereby approve the said last will and testa ment of the said william Blissard; & doe admitt & appoint the said Henry Crawley to be full and sole exequutor of the said last will and testament of the said william Blissard, & to doe & receive all things wth vnto an exequutr doe belong of common right. Given at St maries Henry Crawley sworne to the words above mentioned
22 march 1637 memorand that Henry Crawley acknowledgeth himselfe to owe vnto the Lord Proprietr five thousand weight of good tobacco to be paid vnto the said Lord Proprietr his heires or assignes, on the of november next in case the said Henry Crawley shall not make and deliver into the Court at St maries a true and perfect Inventary of all the estate goods chattelis & debts wch belonged within this Province vnto william Blissard late of the lie of Kent planter deceased; and in case the said Henry Crawly shall not make and deliver into the said Court a true accompt of the disposing of the said estate when he shalbe therevnto demaunded by the Secretary of this Province. And vnto this payment (except before excepted) the said Henry Crawley doth bind himselfe his heires exequutors and admrators. the mrke of H C Henry Crawley Recogn coram me John Lewger Secretary
26 March 1638.
Memorand that william Edwin planter acknowledgeth him selfe to owe vnto the Lord Proprietr one thousand weight of merchantable tobacco to be paid vpon demaund, in case the said william Edwin hath precontracted himselfe to any other woman other then mary whitehead spin ister; or in case there is any consanguinity affinity or other lawfull impediment to the knowledge of the said william Edwin why he should not be married to the said mary whitehead William Recogn coram me Edwin John Lcwger
Richard Garnett senior doth acknowledge himselfe to owe p. vnto the Lord Proprietr one thousand weight of tobacco, & Richard Garnett iunior doth likewise acknowledge himselfe to owe vnto the said Lord Proprietr five hundred weight of tobacco; to be paid vnto the said Lo: Proprietr in case the said Richard Garnett senior shall not make a true & pfect Inventary of all the rights goods and debts of John Brian at the time of his decease
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