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22 Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.
Liber Z. Then were delivered two bills to the Jurors the one of this tenor. Lett enquest be made for the Lord Proprietr if in the river of Pocomoquc on the Easterne shore on the three and twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred thirty five, Thomas Cornwaleys Esq. and one of the Comrs of this Province with divers other persons of the company and servants of the said Thomas Cornwalcys, being in two pinnaces called the St Helen and the St margarett in the peace of God, of Or Sovcraigne Lord the King, and of the said Lord Proprietr Ratcliff warren commonly knowen by the name of Lieutent warren, Richard Hancock, Robert Lake wth divers others to the number of fourteene persons or there abouts, not having the feare of God before their eyes but being seduced by the malicious instigation of the divell and of malice premeditated in one pinace belonging to william Cleyborne of the lie of Kent gent, with force and arrnes that is with gunnes and pistolls charged sword and other weapons vpon the day aforesaid in the place aforesaid vpon the two pinnaces afore said, feloniously and as pyrates and robbers an assault did make, and vpon the said Thomas Cornwaleys and his company divers gunnes charged with powder and bulletts did shoote and discharge, and them the said Thomas Cornwaleys and his company in bodily feare of their life did putt, and one william Ashmore of St maries apprentice in the pinace aforesaid the day and yeare aforesaid at the place aforesaid did shoote and wound in his brest on his left side nere his left papp of wch wound the said william Ashmore instantly died. And if the said william Cleyborne did encourage instigate and abett the said Lieutenant warren to make and attempt the said assault vpon the pinace aforesaid or vpon any other the pinnaces boats or vessells belonging to St maries; and if the said william Cleyborne did by a speciall warrant or commission vnder his hand, command warrant and authorise the said Lieutenant warren to seise take and carry away any the pinnaces or other vessells belonging to St maries, contrary to the peace of or Soveraigne Lord the King, his crowne and dignity, and con trary to the peace of the said Lord Proprietr, his domination and dignity.and the Inquest returned vpon the backside; A trew bill
the other bill of this tenor
Lett Inquest be made for the Lo: Propr of this Province if in the harbour of great wighcocomico in the Bay of Chesapeack on the tenth day of may in the yeare of Or Lord one thousand six hundred thirty and five, Thomas Cornwaleys Esq. and one of the Corns of this Province; Cutbert ffennick and John Hollis
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