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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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                  20     Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.


   Liber Z.   for himselfe vnder the paine of twenty pound sterling: and

                  ffrancis Gray of St maries hundred carpenter then and there in

                  his proper person came and meinperned for the aforesaid

                  James Cloughton vnder the paine of ten pound sterling that

                  the said James Cloughton shall personally appeare at the

                  County Court to be held at St maries whensoever he shalbe

                  therevnto cited, there to doe and receive what shalbe then &

                  there inioined to him by the said Court And that in the meane

                  time he shall keepe the peace of the Lord Proprietr toward

                  the said Lord Proprietr and toward all the inhabitants of this

                  Province, & especially towards Anthony Cotton of the afore

                  said hundred planter & that he shall not doe nor cause to be

                  done any thing any manner of way shall tend to the hurting

                  or disturbing of the peace of the said Lord Proprietor, or to

                  any damage or corporall harme or greivance of the aforesaid

                  Anthony Cotton, or of any inhabitant of this Province which

                  somme of twenty pound the said James Cloughton, and the

                  said summe of ten pound the said ffrancis Gray doe acknowl

                  edge themselves to owe vnto the said Lord Proprietor, to be

                  levied vpon any the lands goods & tenements of them or either

                  of them to whose hands soeuer they shall come to the vse of

                  the said Lord Proprietr his heires & successors, if it shall happen

                  the said James Cloughton to infringe the premisses or any

                  part thereof in any wise, & to be thereof lawfully convicted.

                  In witnes whereof I the said John Lcwger, and the said James

                  Cloughton and ffrancis Gray have herevnto subscribed.

                                         James Claughton

                  John Lewger Secretary  ffrancis Graye


                  memorand that Anthony Cotten hath

                  released the said James Cloughton of

                  this recognisance for the peace



                    26. ffeb. ffrancis Gray carpenter doth acknowledge himselfe

                  to owe vnto the Lord Proprietr five hundred weight of tobacco


                         The condition of this recognisance is that if the said

                       ffrancis Gray shall appeare at the next County Court at

                       St maries after lawfull warning given vnto him thereof,

                       and shall prosequute with effect to a verdict the suite

                       of James Cloughton against Anthony Cotton and shall

                       abide and performe the iudgemt of the Court in the

                       said cause forasmuch as shall concerne the said James

                       Cloughton, then this Recognisance to be void &c.

                  this recognisance is void;

                  John Lewger Secretary.          ffrancis Graye


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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