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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 162   View pdf image (33K)
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                        162     Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.


   Liber P. R. 1642

          p. 64 December Edmond Eason to the suit of James Cauther in a


                         cause of service saith for answere that he did not

                   depart out of the plaintifs service during the terme vnexpired.

                   the deft being tendred an oath that he was not bound for 7.

                   yeares as was alledged by the plf. refused to sweare, saying he

                   was vncertaine for what time his Indentures were made:

                   wherevpon the plf. was admitted to his oath; & therevpon the

                   Court found that the plf. should recover of the deft 50 daies of

                   service, besides the terme yet to come.


                     Thomas Greene gent prayed iudgemt agst Tho Allen & the

                   cause was respited till monday next.


                     william Broughe p attornat John wortly sheweth that he hath

                   had an exequution agst John prettiman, & that there is no dis

                   tresse of lands or goods, & therefore praeth that his person &

                   future employmt may be bound to the vse of the exequution,

                   according to the Law; and the Court adiudged that it should

                   be bound.


                     Thomas Cornwaleys Esq dernandeth of Richard hills 762 l tob

                   wth cask due vpon accompt, and 7831 of Tob. wherof wth cask

                  600.     due by assignmt from mr John Lewger.

                     attachmt in forma consuet retorn 1st febr. next


                     In a cause of debt betweene Isac Edwards plf and Arthur

                   le Hay deft for 840' tob due by bill & 1. cask, the Count found

                   for the plf.


                     John wavill appeared to prosequute agst Richard hills, warned

                   to answere at this Court & produced a bill of 140 l tob from

                   Richard hills to henry bishop, & assigned by Simon demibiel

                   (his mate) vnto the plf. & another bill of 400 l tob from the deft

                   to the plf. wch bills he affirmed vpon his oath to be true & signed

                   as was alledged, & not since satisfied or released; & thervpon

                   the Court adiudged that the plf. should recover five hundred

                   & fourty weight of tob.

                     And the Secretary adiorned the Court till monday next.


                  prociamaon Eod. These are to give notice to all ffreemen of St

                         maries County that ffrancis Posie hath entred into the

                   Court a demand vpon this County for satisfaction of damage

                   done to him in his housing & goods at St Leonards in or about

                   september last, during his absence commanded by order of the

                   Lieutent grall, and that the said demand is to be determined

                   of on monday next in the morning. And therefore any one


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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