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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
Volume 4, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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                     16      Court and Testamentary Business, 1637.


    Liber Z.  Justinian Snow or his assignes on the sixth of October next if

                  seasons permitt, or otherwise at the first season of striking

                  tobacco. And if they shall not so doe, they doe will and grant

                  for themselves their heires exequutors admrators and assignes

                  that the said summe of tobacco shalbe levied vpon the hands

                  goods & chattells of them the said Robert nicholls and John

                  medley wheresoever they shalbe found witnesse our hands

                  and seales                     Robert nicholls

                                                 John medly

                  Recogn coram me

                  Leonard Calvert


                34 19. ffebr.

                   this day came Anne late wife of william Smith deceased and

                  exhibited the last will and testamt of the said william Smith

                  and made oathe that it was the true, whole, and last will of the

                  said william Smith ; wch will followeth in these words


                       The last will and Testmt of mr william Smith made

                     in Augusta Carolina at St maries in maryland anno

                     dni 1635.


                   In the name of God, Amen. I willm Smith by the deare

                  goodnes of God in health of body and pfect vse of iudgemt

                  without compulsion or constraint doe freely order & dispose of

                  my estate and goods in this manner following, desirous to

                  please Almighty God the giver of all good things and to take

                  away for after times all occasions of strife about those things

                  wch I leave here behind me, the better and with more quiett to

                  attend to other highe and more important matters of my soule

                  for the aeternity she is shortly to enter into; ffirst I bequeath

                  my soule into the hands of her Creator trusting in the precious

                  bloud of my Lord and redeemer Jesus xs that he will bring

                  her into his glory. Secondly I bequeath my body vnto the

                  earth from whence it was taken, willingly accepting the death

                  thereof in vnion of that of sweete Jesus my Lord and of all his

                  Saints as a sacrifice of satisfaction for my sinnes, on wch God

                  have mercy, Amen. And further I professe that I die a

                  member of the Catholique Romane church, out of wch there is

                  no salvation. Thirdly of my temporall goods I dispose in this

                  manner following, In first place I give and bequeath vnto my

                  loving wife mrs Anne Smith fully and entirely all and every

                  parcell and part of my goods moveable or immoveable, and

                  whatsoever I now or at my death have or shall have any way

                  mine or due vnto me; foure pounds onely excepted wch I leave

                  for the good of my soule desiring hoiy church to pray for the

                  same, Secondly I appoint and make the foresaid mrs Anne


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Judicial and Testamentary Business of the Provincial Court, 1637-1650
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