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130 Court and Testamentary Business, 1642.
Liber P. R. you william Luddinton to be one, to call afore you all such persons as are named vnder the Interrogatories herein enclosed, & to administer an oath to every of them to make true answere to such Interrogatories as shalbe demanded of them on the behalfe of Giles Brent gent and every of them to examine vpon every the said Interrogatories, and to sett down their answeres therevnto signed with the examinates owne hand, and the said answeres to keepe secrett, and send them enclosed vnder your seale to vs or or Leiutent Grall sonic time before the third of November next, together wth this Commission. Whenof faile not. Given at St Maries this seventeenth of Octob 1642. Witnesse Or deane brother &c.
p. 39 Interrogatories to be administred on the hehalfe of mr Giles Brent to the parties herevnder named.
I did you at any time signifie your vnwillingnes to the designd voyage against the sasquesahanocks to mr Giles Brent or to others in words importing that the going that voyage would be the undoing of the people of Kent on dispeopling of it, or in what words have you signified such vnwillingnes, on in what manner have you heard others signifie their vnwillingnes, or how many doe you think in yor conscience you have heard expresse an vnwillingnes in some such sort, on had you your selfe such vnwillingnes, drawen from such reasons as are above rehearsed? 2 did you your selfe or have you heard any other and how many were they as you remember, complaine to the said Giles Brent or to others who might relate it to him in words to this effect, that if he the said Giles Brent should take one pound of powder & 5 l of shott for every one designd to the expedition out of that present store of ammunition, many houses would be left wholly destitute, and almost no one sufficiently furnished with ammunition or what do you know of the then store of ammunition to this effect or have heard others relate. 3 did yor selfe say on have you heard others? and how many as you remember? that vpon the returne of that expedition the enemy was to be expected to prosequute after them to Kent, the Iland being then disfurnished of ammunition or words to some such effect or that thenevpon was to be expected the firing & destruccon of their tobaccos losse of hoggs and cattell killing of men in the woods, that men should not be able to goe about their busines or what of these or to this effect have you said or heard spoken, and by how many as you coniecture. 4 were you pressed for that voyage and did you say or did you heame any other that was pressed say that your on their going at that time would be the losse of much of your or their cropps in respect they were not yet housed, or to that effect,
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